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Writer's pictureDennis Toh

5 Interesting Facts About Singapore

This year, Singapore is turning 50. As we know, everyday we hear everyone talking about SG50. There’s even a website called SIMI SAI ALSO SG50! So let’s hop onto the bandwagon and see what’s interesting about Singapore that you never knew.

1. There is another place called Singapore

Singapore is actually also a ghost town in the Mid-West, a small town in Michigan.

singapore michigan

(Source: Scene Sg)

Singapore has always been mistaken to be in Malaysia or in China, but there is actually a real town called Singapore in Michigan too! In 1871, the town was razed to the ground by fires that swept through the American Northern Midwest.

2. Our own Changi Aiport has movie theatres: watch movies for free!

(Source: Wandering Ash)

Always making sure you’re early to check-in… then realize you have too much waiting time on hand? If you don’t know by now, our very own Changi Airport has 3 movie theatres, one in each terminal. The one at terminal three still boosts a 4D screen! So next time you have a little extra time on hand and do not know what to do, head to one of the movie theatres for free! Bring your own popcorn though.

3. Lightning Alerts

Singapore has one of the highest rate of lightning activity in the world (average of 171 thunderstorm days per year). Being near the equator with a hot and humid climate, Singapore has good conditions for lightning and thunderstorm to thrive in. We Singaporeans are pretty much used to the thunderstorms, and can even sleep through it at night. It makes for a nice night of sleep because the weather is FINALLY cooling! However, thunderstorms are especially rare for people living somewhere else, and they think it’s really cool and scary to see so much lightning during a thunderstorm.

Also, it gets especially annoying for athletes out on the field when the lighting alert comes on; because that means nobody can be on the pitch until the lightning alert goes off. But, safety first kids!

4. Line Dance Record

Sentosa celebrated National Day by getting dance enthusiasts to gather in red and white at the Merlion Plaza on 10 Aug 2014. A total of 498 managed to dance for 2 hours with only a 5 min break in between the hours. A good fraction of the line dancers were senior citizens, making this test of stamina an amazing feat. Not bad at all Singapore! A round of applause for our senior citizens!

5. Guinness World Record BROKEN: Singapore DJs

singapore DJs

Last year, Singaporeans celebrating our national day had a little more to celebrate. We got a surprise gift from a group of people who call themselves, the SINGAPORE DJs, and on August 9, 2014, they broke the Guinness Book of World Records for the Longest Club Session DJ Relay. What is the record all about? The Guinness Record for Longest Club Session DJ Relay was last broken by DJs in Dubai last year. They had 119 DJs spinning non-stop, one record each, one after another. It lasted 4 hours and 19 minutes. Recently, the SINGAPORE DJs smashed that record with 133 DJs in a li’l more than 5 hours. Thank you Singapore DJs for adding our name into the Guinness World Records!!!

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