The popular historical drama, The Empress of China, returned to TV on New Year’s Day in China after its sudden disappearance. The disappearance led to many speculations, but the show returned, albeit viewers noticed a prominent issue with it.
Many viewers complained about the excessive close-ups shots after the show returned. It was revealed that the drama was banned for being “too sexy” and the new no-cleavage ban was in place. This resulted in some disturbingly close-ups to steer away from the revealing cleavages of the stars in their extravagant costumes.
Some of the edited images as a result of the prudent approach include Scarlett Johansson. Even the famous Greek statue of Venus de Milo was not spared from this new ban.
Several memes were up as a result of the controversial ban, some criticizing this act as “prudent” and not “open-minded and liberal” as portrayed by the central figure in The Empress Of China, Wu Zetian, who was actually the only female Emperor ever to rule in China after establishing her own dynasty.
Whether it is a wise decision or not, these memes definitely made us chuckle and we will be expecting more as the cleavage ban ensues. We are, however, more concerned if this ban will result in future backlash in the country’s liberty and censorship issues. Will there be more awkward and forced editing for general viewing? Only time will tell.
Writer: Leong Chee Sheng