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Writer's pictureDennis Toh

Top 5 worst New Year cliches

It’s 2015. We are always moving forward, and every year you hear or see the same old cliches on 31st December or 1st January. We collate the worst 5 cliches that people need to stop.

5) “First” of 2015


To be honest, the “firsts” of 2015 are not that annoying but they are typical and annoyingly predictable. Unless these “first” do hold some sentimental value. We do not need to know that you took your first shower in 2015 at 3.45 am. The first Meteor shower of 2015 peaks this weekend, and this is what we care about!

4) “So-called” New Year Resolutions

Some of the most basic and annoying New Year Resolutions would be “to lose weight” which will be banished, tucked in the darkest corner of your heart and forgotten in probably a week or matter of days. Instead of an absolute resolution, try going for a gradual and substantial one; say a target of 2 kilograms in a month. Not to say that such resolution is unrealistic, but it is too general.

3) “I haven’t seen you since last year”

Hands down, the most annoying jokes every year. My eyes have been trained to roll themselves whenever someone brings this joke up.

4) Adjusting to new year

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This is the most tedious part – adjusting to the new year on your assignments. This is also the part where the extremely particular teachers will throw up a big fuss for. For adults, it is the carpark coupon that they have to fuss about – let’s just pray for merciful summons on this.

5) Page 1 of 365

The awfully pretentious concept of a year in a book, and months in Chapters. It was cool until it got annoying. Everybody’s Facebook list will have at least this ONE friend who will post stuff like this for a maximum of 2 months before he/she eventually gets tired of it as well.

As cliche as it sounds, it is always fun to poke fun at people who fumble on these cliches of the New Year. After all, it is celebratory and festive, and we forgive. The team at The Influencer Media wishes all a Happy New Year!

Writer: Leong Chee Sheng

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