How I turned FeetHaven Reflexology from this :
To this:

Feet Haven Reflexology is now one of the most social foot reflex brands in Singapore.
Feet Haven Reflexology was awarded the Best Foot Massage by Harpers Bazaar Spa Awards 2013. In a recent Smart Shopper Road Test conducted by Simply Her March 2013 Edition, Feet Haven was rated the highest 8.5/10 out of four other Foot Spas and was given the title ‘Best Value Simply Her Foot Spa’.
Feet Haven Reflexology was also featured in popular magazines like 8 Days, Cleo, Mother & Baby, Young Parents and Eastie Brekkie.
More than 20 bloggers have reviewed the brand and gave very positive feedback and comments about the Brand.
However, these achievements did not come easy. It was a case of God’s blessings, hard work and strategic marketing, in my opinion.
let me recount the process…
Together with my sister and my business partner TL, we acquired Feet Haven Reflexology in early February 2012. I wanted to start a foot reflex business as I was always interested in Entrepreneurship and subscribed to my ‘Rich Dad’, who is always telling me to create a business early for myself and not to work for an employer for life.
Since switching to academia, I am always on the look out for potential business to buy over or to start a new business. In the month of December 2011, I saw a business takeover ad online and after doing some research on the location & business, I immediately arranged a meet up with the owner and went through many rounds of negotiations and discussions.
My instinct was to buy over the business. Obviously there were many factors involved.
1) The location was perfect. Being near to then the newly refurbished shopping mall, i12, it presents bountless of opportunities for this shop.
2) The takeover fee was reasonable.
3) The demand for foot reflex, in my opinion, is rising considering the stressful environment we all live in.
The rest is history. The early months were difficult as we did not have enough experience managing a foot reflex shop. No doubt, we really learnt through the hard way.
We worked really hard as well. I remember working non-stop every weekend to manage the shop and to promote the services ourselves. We even have to go to the extend of giving out leaflets right outside our shop to draw people in.
Fast forward many months, Feet Haven Reflexology is now one of the most recognised Foot Reflex spa in the east region.
Our weekends’ slots are mostly packed! And we been getting alot of positive praises from customers. Praise the Lord.
In my opinion, I attribute the success to many factors;
1) Sheer Hardwork
My business partner, Wendy and myself worked really hard to build this business. We were dedicated to the business and determined to build Feet Haven as a lifestyle brand and symbol, a place where people can find rest and relaxation for themselves.
2) Blogger Engagement
Part of our marketing strategy was to target all the bloggers in Singapore. I believe a strategic way to build buzz and word-of mouth online is to target the influencers and early adopters. These bloggers will help to amplify positive messages through their social networking spaces. so far, we have more than 20 bloggers reviewing our services.
We hit a total of 23.9k unique visitors for the past one year.
Here are some examples:
Chevonne Cheng ‘I hereby declare with honesty that it was undoubtedly ONE OF THE BEST, or should I daringly say best, traditional back and foot massages that I’ve EVER tried so far – and trust me, I’ve tried alooot, locally and overseas. And I’m not just saying that because it was sponsored! I’m looking forward to even bringing my mum there next time’! Find the post here..
Tammy Oh So Fickle ‘I have done TONS of foot reflexology in Singapore and NONE, i repeat NONE, was as good as Feet Haven’s. I dare say the foot reflexology at Feet Haven’s the best in the East’!!! Find the post here..
Only William ‘It is definitely an extraordinary experience.” Feet Haven. It’s the place for the younger generation as well as the old’.
Find the post here..
Cuisine Paradise ‘Upon entering the shop, I am captured by its luxurious ambience, calming fragrance and soothing music as well as their friendly greeters. And the place gives me a very smooth and relaxing feeling which i am comfortable with’.
Find the post here…
BeriShiok ‘He was kneading my shoulders and unnoticely I fell asleep but could still feel he working through the aching areas on my body. Upon waking up, I felt totally refreshing and lighter shoulders and tiredless back’.
Find the post here…
Ju Ann ‘After the whole massage, my whole body felt damnnnn good. My calves still hurt a little but it felt a lot lighter! My back was heavenly. All the knots were gone. Shiok’.
Find the post here..
Aspirant SG ‘The perk of having a masseur working on your feet is that they are able to customise to your personal preference and reach areas that mechanical feet massager can’t access’.
Find the post here…
Y-uhao ‘Beside massaging, you can enjoy the nice soothing music and calming aromatherapy scents which helps in promoting relaxation and lifting everyday stress’.
Find the post here..
MoonBerry And while I was at Feet Haven, I couldn’t resist not getting some pampering so I went for the Yawn Medley treatment: 45 min foot reflexology + 15 min neck and shoulder massage at just SG$38!!! I totally needed it after too many hours of slouching while producing my Avian Project artwork. Hee.
Find the post here..
Some pictures of bloggers enjoying their treatment at Feet Haven Reflexology

3) The last reason, of course was because of God’s grace.
God is good all the time & God has been exceptionally good to me in 2013.
The Feet Haven today is a boutique foot reflexology that has received much support and interest from customers living all over Singapore.
There are plans to open a second shop in early february 2014. So stay tuned for more updates.
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